Dr Richard Malik

Medical Consultant

About Dr Richard Malik

Richard Malik is a respected and well known companion animal veterinarian. Of course, he has a special interest in cats. After graduating from the University of Sydney in 1981 he initially trained in anaesthesia and intensive care with Jan Ilkiw and Kathy Brock at Sydney University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. This was followed by a PhD (neuropharmacology) and a postdoc in developmental neurobiology. In 1987 he returned to the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences as its first Resident in Small Animal Medicine. He remained in the “vet school” for 16 years in varying capacities and was the Valentine Charlton Senior Lecturer in Feline Medicine from 1995 to 2002. Currently Richard works as a consultant for the Centre for Veterinary Education, various private clinics in the eastern suburbs of Sydney. He is also involved in a large number of collaborative research projects in both pure and applied research, typically in collaboration with academic staff in the Sydney School of Veterinary Science and Charles Sturt University, where he is an Adjunct Professor. He is passionate about all aspects of feline medicine, and has a special focus on treating common diseases using new therapeutic regimens. His current research areas include genetic diseases of cats and dogs, infectious diseases of cats and dogs, parasitic diseases of cats and dogs. More specifically, he is a world authority on mycobacterial diseases, fungal diseases including cryptococcosis, swine brucellosis, antibacterial and antifungal drug therapy and neural angiostrongliasis (rat lungworm disease).